What a true lyric! He does meet our need in EVERY category. Thanksgiving is coming up and we participated in our Apartment complex activities. Not only was it great to go, meet neighbors, and fellowship with them, but we were also blessed in other ways. Patricia came in second place in the potluck cooking contest... and brought home $75 rent certificate! What a huge help that will be!! Also, after a fun time turkey bowling, yes we threw the turkeys, Barbara brought home a HUGE frozen turkey (not the one we threw). We were also blessed to receive from local believers 2 other turkeys that they had in abundance. God sure is GREAT. We will now be able to bless others and invite them to have a meal with us. I'm not sure the plans for all the turkeys, as we will be eating thanksgiving with the Wallace family, but december is also a good turkey time! How great God is!
Here are some of the turkey bowling pictures, as I know many of you are curious:

Mitch going first. Look at that turkey fly!

Patricia's going for a different approach!

The ever talented Barbara

I was just thankful not to throw myself down the "lane."

I'm not sure, but I think the one-legged technique is the best!

Barbara accepting our prize (the turkey, not the dog) after the finals. It was great because Barbara, Patricia, and I competed in the final round of the second heat. We were guaranteed a turkey! God is Great!
We really had a lot of fun!
Here are some of the turkey bowling pictures, as I know many of you are curious:
Mitch going first. Look at that turkey fly!
Patricia's going for a different approach!
The ever talented Barbara
I was just thankful not to throw myself down the "lane."
I'm not sure, but I think the one-legged technique is the best!
Barbara accepting our prize (the turkey, not the dog) after the finals. It was great because Barbara, Patricia, and I competed in the final round of the second heat. We were guaranteed a turkey! God is Great!
We really had a lot of fun!