We went roller skating as an outreach activity on friday. Boy, was that fun! I don't think I had been in 10 years. Times have changed, but not much. I was really impressed with Rachel. She just learned that night, by the end of the night, she was skating by herself! How cool. As is my tradition, I took many pictures. There is a slide show at the end of this post.
This weekend, we also had our area's holiday dance. It was awesome. We had a meeting before hand with Way Productions, a skit where I sang (more on that later), and a teaching. Rev. Wallace did such an amazing job teaching the fundamental truths pertinent during this time of year, as well as teaching to the seasoned grads. There was so much in the teaching, I don't think I could rightly include everything. One thing that really blessed me was his example of a man he was working with who didn't want to apply the word in a situation. He was relying on his senses knowledge. So Mark told him to go out and give his 66.66 percent into his project. The man stopped what he was doing and looked at him bewildered. Mark repeated, yeah, your 66.66%. Thats all you're using if you're not applying the word. If you're only using your body and soul, you're leaving out a third of you--your spirit. If you're not walking by the spirit, you're only 2/3 complete. That got me thinking. A grade of 66% in school is failing. I wasn't happy with that grade in school, so why would I be happy with that in life?
Today's Sunday Teaching Service, Rev. Rico Magnelli shared how speaking the word takes just as much restraint as it does boldness. You don't tell everyone you meet everything about the word. You listen, so you can share the right words to meet the need in that situation. I was blessed by this because it reminded me of Mark's teaching. He could've easily went in and taught the book "Jesus Christ our Promised Seed." Those are truths that are taught this year. But he taught just enough to wet the appetite of those in attendance. He taught it with such humor that it was entertaining as well. It is great to see how when situations are diverse, you change the teaching. Everyone was so edified after this teaching and just ready to share how it blessed them!
We had the blessing of bringing several new people to this event, for most of them it was their first ministry event. They were all really blessed and I was blessed to see the household all jump in and talk to them. It was a great witness of the love that we have for each other in the household.
It was so much fun to dance around and be silly for an evening. We can't dance and be loud in an apartment. Something I'm not used to after living in a house all my life. It was also nice to see all the believers. These are all people who are praying for us everyday. When you think about all the tender love you receive from believers all over the world, it is so exciting.
I am so thankful to be here in Colorado Springs. Someone asked me what some of the things I was learning during the Way Disciple Program, and I shared with him about how God has blessed me. He has blessed me with 8 other individuals, all different ages, from all over the country, that I can serve with and learn so much from. Rev. Magnelli shared today about Our Power to Serve our Communities at the Sunday Teaching Service. I was so thankful to hear him share about being in the right place at the right time and believing to speak the right words. That sums up the Way Disciple program in one idea. So much about being here is just believing God that you are where you need to be to make the most impact. How great it is to serve here in Colorado Springs with these other great believers. We sure are blessed!
I love you guys!
Sunday, December 16, 2007
A Blessing from God
I am so thankful for God's many blessings. I had 2 packages sent to me in late september. I tracked them, and UPS noted them as delivered. We never received them. After talking to several people, I understood I needed to start an inquiry to investigate the packages to receive the insurance money. People kept saying that someone probably stole the packages, but I remained positive. I said, "God knows where my packages are, I'll get them." Even after a month had passed, God knew where my packages were. I kept confessing the positive. It was my heart's desire to receive the original packages. I didn't want the money. The items might not have amounted to the insurance money, but they meant more to me than that. I told people, I want my packages, I don't want my money. I kept confessing that I would receive those original packages. Every time I thought of it, I confessed what I wanted. I knew this wasn't too small for God! One night, just before dinner, I received a phone call from one of the office ladies. She told me she had my packages! How great is God? They were delivered to the wrong building, and the tenants didn't realize they weren't theirs. I guess they were moving, and had many boxes lying around. They were delivered to me with out any damage. God is great. He knows the desires of our hearts. Nothing is too small for Him. This small incident reminds me of that. God is willing to go above and beyond for His children. If He can do it for me with these packages, what can't He do? Praise God.
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Mall Witnessing
Mall witnessing is a lot more work in believing than door-to-door. You obviously can't talk to everyone you see, so it is up to you to find an open door. I love mall witnessing. I love going up to people and striking a conversation. Tonight our first faithful, Ezekiel, came out witnessing with us. It was great! Trell, Ezekiel, and I had a prosperous evening. We got a contact. Santa, however, was not interested in fellowship, because, as he told us, he lives too far north to attend. We tried. Ha ha. I'm so glad to be moving the word here in Colorado Springs with these amazing disciples!
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Our Holiday Tree
What a blessing our Holiday tree has been. We had a Holiday Open House last friday and we wanted to have decorations for it. On monday, while planning the event, my household all became clear and concerned on what we wanted. We wanted a tree at Way Disciple price ($0) and we wanted to have it by friday. On wednesday, we received word that we could borrow the tree from Barbara's work. We received it for free AND we don't have to find a place to get rid of it to afterwards, we just have to return it! That will be a blessing because we are always so busy. We bought lights at the thrift store for $2 and we strung green painted popcorn and regular popcorn as garland. For the ornaments, we had everyone make one (or more) at our open house. It truly is a tree made with love. We made all kinds of ornaments. I cut up a theme postcard to make one of them. We have ones out of pipe cleaners, and construction paper. Of course, we have the paper snowflakes!

And a close up:

I'm so proud of our tree. It is the perfect little thing for our apartment!
And a close up:
I'm so proud of our tree. It is the perfect little thing for our apartment!
Monday, December 10, 2007
First Big Snow of the Season
People have been telling me that it has been way to warm (40 degrees) for a Colorado winter. Well, we just got the first big snow of the season. The snow here is powdery, which is different from what I remember growing up in Ohio. It makes for clearing off cars easier (except that it blows back on as you brush it off). It, however, is not very good for snowman. We've tried, to no avail. I'm a little disappointed in that. So, I'm really believing for a good wet snow! Another cool thing about the dry powder, is that it sticks to trees better. What a beautiful sight. I try not to leave my house without my camera, and I was blessed to have it on Sunday when the sun was out.
I also like this one. The gray at the base of the mountain is a snow cloud!
This picture is similar, but taken out the window of the van while we were driving. The bad thing about snow, is that you can't easily drive around just to look at its beauty!
This is an example of the snow sticking to the branches. I just love this picture. Now, just imagine everything looking like this! It definitely makes the cold worth it!
Nothing needs to be said about this one:
This is a picture of a residential street all snow covered. Moments after I shot this photo, we saw a coyote running down the street. It is cool here because it is not uncommon to see deer in someone's yard as we go to the grocery store!
This one is of the Way Disciple group, in the very, very, very bright snow... hence all the squints.
And finally, the next day, I took a picture of Pike's Peak with the clouds hovering over the summit. What a blessing it is to be able to look at this every day. Each day, the mountains look different! They are always changing. You could never get bored looking at these!
In this picture, you can see the Garden of the gods. It is the red rock formations at the bottom righthand corner.
Tuesday, December 4, 2007
sunset over colorado
One thing I love about my time here in Colorado is how I can take the time to admire the sky. Last night, the sunset was amazing. I took this picture out of my car! It was like nothing I've ever seen!
I also took this one at the same time.
It looks like the sky is on fire, but its not! Wow.
This one is from later in the evening.

Colorado sure is beautiful!
I also took this one at the same time.
It looks like the sky is on fire, but its not! Wow.
This one is from later in the evening.
Colorado sure is beautiful!
Saturday, December 1, 2007
Class Explination
We had our first class explanation on friday. It was a great time. We transformed a room at Kristen's apartment clubhouse to a beautiful facility. There was a teaching from Mitch and sharings from Trell and I. I really enjoyed the opportunity to share what the Way Class means to me. I love that our ministry teaches everyone the foundational skills needed to research the Word of God so that we all can find answers to life's questions. We are fully capable to go to the Word and use that as our standard! We definitely can live the Word everyday! It isn't a religion. True Christianity truly isn't a religion!
We have a faithful person in our fellowship. He is really interested in the class. We're all believing for his finances so he can register! He is excellent and never misses anything!
We have a faithful person in our fellowship. He is really interested in the class. We're all believing for his finances so he can register! He is excellent and never misses anything!
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
God makes a way, and it couldn't be better.
What a true lyric! He does meet our need in EVERY category. Thanksgiving is coming up and we participated in our Apartment complex activities. Not only was it great to go, meet neighbors, and fellowship with them, but we were also blessed in other ways. Patricia came in second place in the potluck cooking contest... and brought home $75 rent certificate! What a huge help that will be!! Also, after a fun time turkey bowling, yes we threw the turkeys, Barbara brought home a HUGE frozen turkey (not the one we threw). We were also blessed to receive from local believers 2 other turkeys that they had in abundance. God sure is GREAT. We will now be able to bless others and invite them to have a meal with us. I'm not sure the plans for all the turkeys, as we will be eating thanksgiving with the Wallace family, but december is also a good turkey time! How great God is!
Here are some of the turkey bowling pictures, as I know many of you are curious:

Mitch going first. Look at that turkey fly!

Patricia's going for a different approach!

The ever talented Barbara

I was just thankful not to throw myself down the "lane."

I'm not sure, but I think the one-legged technique is the best!

Barbara accepting our prize (the turkey, not the dog) after the finals. It was great because Barbara, Patricia, and I competed in the final round of the second heat. We were guaranteed a turkey! God is Great!
We really had a lot of fun!
Here are some of the turkey bowling pictures, as I know many of you are curious:
Mitch going first. Look at that turkey fly!
Patricia's going for a different approach!
The ever talented Barbara
I was just thankful not to throw myself down the "lane."
I'm not sure, but I think the one-legged technique is the best!
Barbara accepting our prize (the turkey, not the dog) after the finals. It was great because Barbara, Patricia, and I competed in the final round of the second heat. We were guaranteed a turkey! God is Great!
We really had a lot of fun!
Thursday, November 15, 2007
A prayer answered
I was so excited to be teaching at fellowship on the topic of "Our Power to Stand and Endure: endurance" the other night at fellowship. After speaking to mom that day about my teaching, she asked me if anyone I had witnessed to had come to fellowship. We decided to believe together that someone would come. On our way to fellowship, we didn't expect anyone. We had called our contacts, and no one was coming. During our pre-meeting fellowship, there was a knock on the door. It was a lady we had been in contact with for quite some time. She showed up! Patricia had even called her earlier in the day and left a message. It is so great when people are able to come to fellowship because we get to share one of the greatest things in our lives with them! What a tremendous opportunity!!
By the way, I rocked the house that night with my teaching. We also had one other new person one of the believers brought!
By the way, I rocked the house that night with my teaching. We also had one other new person one of the believers brought!
We're making a difference... to move the Word.
After brainstorming ways to make an impact in the community, and places to witness, we joined a local stitching group. (We actually happened upon it one day while we were witnessing at our local coffee shop.) The first week, I saw the ladies knitting and I waited for an open door to speak to one of them. I started chatting with one of the ladies about what she was making and told her I, too, crocheted. They immediately invited me to join their knitting group. I was excited to find out that Barbara once crocheted, but hadn't done it in awhile. She was willing to relearn so that we could do this two-by-two. The next wednesday came and both Barbara and me, as well as Kristen and Frances joined the group! I taught all three girls how to crochet. All the ladies were thrilled to have us there. This past week, I unfortunately had to work during the knitting group meeting. I was very surprised, later when I heard my name being requested at the front door; the other way-d girls kept our commitment and represented us at the group. The ladies came to see me! They said, "Since you couldn't come to the knitting group, we brought it to you!" I made such an impact in those two short meetings, that they sought me out in my place of employment! How excellent is that? I have previously met them twice for a total of an hour and a half. In that time, we made such an impact in their lives, that they sought me out! I am so blessed to be in Colorado Springs serving for my God. He is awesome to take care of details just to bless me! God is Great!!
Saturday, November 10, 2007
The Hike up the Mountain
Ok, so I don't think it is "officially" classified as a mountain, but that is what it felt like. We hiked all 7 miles of the Waldo Canyon Trail. (For a point of reference, Mark Wallace runs this trail in 1 hour... we walked it in 4 hours.) It was beautiful. (When I could look up; I had to keep an eye on the trail so I didn't twist my ankle or anything.) It definitely was a lesson in endurance. Although, towards the end I was tired and hurt. I made it back to the car though.

Tuesday, November 6, 2007
Army-Airforce Game
We had so much fun on Saturday at the Game. The day started at my apartment clubhouse with a very yummy waffle and pancake breakfast made by Rocky. From there, we headed to the game. Jesse invited us to tailgate with his squadrant. Once we FINALLY found him, it was great. I kept looking for this phone, because he said we could find him by the phone! just kidding, we did call him. The problem was that every one looks the same in the cadet uniform! SEE:
It was quite a nice view 360 degrees! ha ha. We had fun "enjoying one of Colorado other natural beauties."
We met up with Jesse before the game.

It was great seeing all the cadets march onto the field. They called out Jesse's name and we cheered. Its a big deal!
The cadets looked so cool in all of their blocks.

The half time show was great. They had a performing falcon which was awesome. Also, they had the largest american flag that I've ever seen! It was literally the size of a football field. I was impressed they did that without ever letting it touch the ground! Good work boys! Before the game they had parachuters land in the field and two F-16 and a B-52 fly by! Cool! Towards the end of the game, Jesse came and sat with us. Kristin had many airforce questions to ask him. I was very entertained. I love Kristin!!

Jesse is always making funny faces. :)
I had a great time at the game. I'm so glad that the Airforce beat the Army. :) It made the game even more fun, especially with Danielle yelling at everyone on the field. ha ha.
It was quite a nice view 360 degrees! ha ha. We had fun "enjoying one of Colorado other natural beauties."
We met up with Jesse before the game.

It was great seeing all the cadets march onto the field. They called out Jesse's name and we cheered. Its a big deal!
The cadets looked so cool in all of their blocks.
The half time show was great. They had a performing falcon which was awesome. Also, they had the largest american flag that I've ever seen! It was literally the size of a football field. I was impressed they did that without ever letting it touch the ground! Good work boys! Before the game they had parachuters land in the field and two F-16 and a B-52 fly by! Cool! Towards the end of the game, Jesse came and sat with us. Kristin had many airforce questions to ask him. I was very entertained. I love Kristin!!
Jesse is always making funny faces. :)
I had a great time at the game. I'm so glad that the Airforce beat the Army. :) It made the game even more fun, especially with Danielle yelling at everyone on the field. ha ha.
Friday, November 2, 2007
Witnessing in Costumes!
This past wednesday was Halloween, or how we like to call it: Bless and Treat! We went door to door witnessing in halloween costumes. I went as Miss America. Yes, it was just an excuse to tease my hair... and tease it, I did. See how beautiful I looked?
That is Frances with me! Here is a picture of my whole outfit.
Notice the toilet paper sash? Very nice!
We have been having a great time going out into the community. Tonight we're looking forward to having a "Cards and Pizza night!" It is going to be a lot of fun!
We have been having a great time going out into the community. Tonight we're looking forward to having a "Cards and Pizza night!" It is going to be a lot of fun!
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Life in Colorado Springs
During my weeks here as a Way Disciple, I've definitely learned to change the conversation to the word. It is almost like a game. Ha ha. I once was almost successful in guiding a conversation from toilet paper to the word. How? We needed TP for the mummy wrap at out outreach activity that week.
I've really proven the "make your needs known". Patricia and I were in Walmart looking for bread crumbs. I said outlound, "If I were bread crumbs, where would I be?" Then, a voice answered back: "in the baking aisle." Need fulfilled! A lady had overheard me and answered back. How funny?
Today is Halloween and we're planning a Bless 'N Treat bonanza. We have people going door to door. (A perfect time because people are expecting knocks on the door.) A group is going to stay at the apartment and hand out candy. And Finally, another group is going to our clubhouse gathering! How fun. We're going to move the word tonight!!
I love you guys, thanks for keeping me in your prayers!
I've really proven the "make your needs known". Patricia and I were in Walmart looking for bread crumbs. I said outlound, "If I were bread crumbs, where would I be?" Then, a voice answered back: "in the baking aisle." Need fulfilled! A lady had overheard me and answered back. How funny?
Today is Halloween and we're planning a Bless 'N Treat bonanza. We have people going door to door. (A perfect time because people are expecting knocks on the door.) A group is going to stay at the apartment and hand out candy. And Finally, another group is going to our clubhouse gathering! How fun. We're going to move the word tonight!!
I love you guys, thanks for keeping me in your prayers!
Sunday, October 7, 2007
Traveling across America
Traveling from New Knoxville, OH to Colorado Springs, CO was absolutely amazing! I first want to point out that when the Columbus group reached their destination, we had just hit I-70, the route that would lead us to Colorado. We hadn't even made it past the country roads, when they were there, but we were not wearied. For 8 adults, we had 4 cars and we able to drive 2 by 2 very comfortably. How great God is! It was fun to see all the little details come to pass in our group. When filling up with gas 2 cars filled up on the left, the others on the right. We REDEEMED THE TIME! It was fun to see all four cars pull up to the gas station in unison. Think synchronized swimming! We had such a great time getting to know each other during the trip. What better way to spend 3 days! The first night in our hotel, we stayed just outside St. Louis. Everyone piled into the Barkers' room and watched "Meet the Fockers." It was great. The next day involved driving through A LOT of Kansas. It was fun seeing all the plains. We stopped at one point because I need to use a restroom, and get gas. One of the "exits" had a gas sign. So of course, we take it. Who knew when the next opportunity would be! This was the most podunk place I've ever been... and I was born in Kansas! I had to ask Trell how to pump the gas, because I've never pumped gas in 1945 before! A sign on the door warned us that the gas station/covenience store/only place that sells anything for miles is guarded by a shotgun 3 days a week; we were to guess which 3 days those were.
Also listed, was a sign telling people they needed to pay for the toilet if they were not getting gas. How funny. The old man who worked there was nice enough. I'm sure he sees plenty of "city folk" overwhelmed by their very different environment. In fact, if they didn't know we were city folk, Kristen put all doubts away....
Another gentleman was sitting in the indescribable location and, as Way Disciples are known to do, Kristen started a conversation. She asked him, "So, where are we?" The man in overalls said, "What do you mean?" Kristen immediately replied, "Well, what city are we in." The man laughed and simply replied in his country accent, "Well, that right there is your problem." Not only was there not a city anywhere near there... there wasn't even a town. We were in western Kansas, afterall! Kristen, who is my hero, was not taken aback. She was going to brighten this man's day if it killed her! So she picked a different topic: "So, what do you do?" This question, in the eyes of the overall man, was even sillier. He replied, once again in his country accent, "I'm a farmer." Please see previously where I said there wasn't a town near by. Of course he is a farmer. Kristen promptly praised the work that farmers do and showed him how much she appreciated the work they do. Kristen is just that genuinely nice! After digging, well, more like prying more information out of him, we found out he raises cattle. The next thing that happened goes into my history books as, by far, one of the funniest things I've witnessed. Kristen, being from Wisconsin, asked him about the cows. "You know," started Kristen, "I've noticed that the cows here look a lot different from the ones in Wisconsin, ours are black and white, yours are just black... WHY DO YOU THINK THAT IS?" (Aside: Kristen is awesome at asking open ended questions. End aside.) This farmer dude was not impressed. He evenly said, with of course his country accent, "Well, we raise ours for beef, you raise yours for dairy." Kristen: "Oh, thats really interesting. I've never thought of that before." Then, of course, this guy just grunted: "Humph." Kristen tried so hard to get this guy to talk. He just wasn't that into it.
The following day, after having eaten the best food I've ever had at a truck stop, we rolled into Colorado. It was so fun driving into town with Kristen. Can you believe she's never seen a mountain before! It was fun watching the top of Pikes Peak rise over the horizon. We took many pictures during this drive.

This is the view behind my car (Kansas exit)

View infront of us during traffic on a country road. (Ohio)

Driving through Colorado... very excited.

Kristen listing all the colorado information we could find in the Atlas. State tree: blue spruce; State flower, columbine; State bird, lark bunting.

We were excited to finally be driving into our home. :) I'm so thankful we're here.
Another gentleman was sitting in the indescribable location and, as Way Disciples are known to do, Kristen started a conversation. She asked him, "So, where are we?" The man in overalls said, "What do you mean?" Kristen immediately replied, "Well, what city are we in." The man laughed and simply replied in his country accent, "Well, that right there is your problem." Not only was there not a city anywhere near there... there wasn't even a town. We were in western Kansas, afterall! Kristen, who is my hero, was not taken aback. She was going to brighten this man's day if it killed her! So she picked a different topic: "So, what do you do?" This question, in the eyes of the overall man, was even sillier. He replied, once again in his country accent, "I'm a farmer." Please see previously where I said there wasn't a town near by. Of course he is a farmer. Kristen promptly praised the work that farmers do and showed him how much she appreciated the work they do. Kristen is just that genuinely nice! After digging, well, more like prying more information out of him, we found out he raises cattle. The next thing that happened goes into my history books as, by far, one of the funniest things I've witnessed. Kristen, being from Wisconsin, asked him about the cows. "You know," started Kristen, "I've noticed that the cows here look a lot different from the ones in Wisconsin, ours are black and white, yours are just black... WHY DO YOU THINK THAT IS?" (Aside: Kristen is awesome at asking open ended questions. End aside.) This farmer dude was not impressed. He evenly said, with of course his country accent, "Well, we raise ours for beef, you raise yours for dairy." Kristen: "Oh, thats really interesting. I've never thought of that before." Then, of course, this guy just grunted: "Humph." Kristen tried so hard to get this guy to talk. He just wasn't that into it.
The following day, after having eaten the best food I've ever had at a truck stop, we rolled into Colorado. It was so fun driving into town with Kristen. Can you believe she's never seen a mountain before! It was fun watching the top of Pikes Peak rise over the horizon. We took many pictures during this drive.
This is the view behind my car (Kansas exit)
View infront of us during traffic on a country road. (Ohio)
Driving through Colorado... very excited.
Kristen listing all the colorado information we could find in the Atlas. State tree: blue spruce; State flower, columbine; State bird, lark bunting.
We were excited to finally be driving into our home. :) I'm so thankful we're here.
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